Happening Saturday, September 21, The Sierra Valley Art + Ag Trail is a self-guided tour of the Sierra Valley featuring local artists, exhibitors, historic barns, sites, barn quilts, food vendors, and family friendly trails. There are also online prize giveaways, and a Cattlemen's BBQ lunch. You can register online for passports, prize giveaway, food, Buck Ford tickets and more at sierravalleyartagtrail.org It will be a day of fun, ranches, barns, art, and agriculture. Travel across the beautiful Sierra Valley to many farms, ranches and historic sites and meet local artists and crafters with handmade items for sale. This event is by the Sierra County Arts Council with support from Sierra Nevada Conservancy, Plumas Arts, Sierra Valley Art + Ag Trail, Musica Sierra, and Sierra County Arts Council.There will be a kickoff event Friday, September 20 at The Lost Marble's Ranch, starting at 6 PM. The event features a Barn Dance with Buck Ford.For more information, visit sierravalleyartagtrail.org.